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Story Trail

Perhaps the most innovative aspect of the Trust’s work has been the devising and presenting of the “Story Trails”. We have developed three Trails; The Easter Story, The Christmas Story and ‘The Fisherman’s Tale’ – an account of Jesus’ life as shared by the disciple, Peter. They have proved to be unique and unforgettable experiences for primary-aged children.

Working in partnership with local churches, the Trust has presented the Trails to class groups from local primary schools at the end of the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms for the last 18 years.

The Trails allow primary-aged children to feel as if they have experienced the events of the first Christmas, the first Easter and the life of Jesus for themselves. From the moment they enter the Trail and meet the costumed storyteller, the children are fully immersed in the setting and events from the first century. The story unfolds in a wholly engaging way as the children move in and through successive scenes so that as the Trail concludes the children feel that they have been eyewitnesses.


“You feel not just a witness, but a participant. This is a blessing to all who come along.”

All sessions are delivered by an experienced storyteller and encourage the children both to participate fully in the experience and to think for themselves. Sessions are age-appropriate and accessible to children of all faith backgrounds and those of none.

Following the success of the Story Trail initiative, in recent years we have created a resource pack with the aim of supporting and encouraging churches in the UK and beyond to create their own trails.

For more information on creating a story trail of your own, please visit:


Bible Encounter Trust

Bringing the Bible to life with assemblies and lessons in schools across Greater Manchester

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Bible Encounter Trust Charitable Incorporated Organisation
Charity Number: 1179838


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